Legal Information

PROCARTA is a trade mark of Procarta Biosystems

Procarta Biosystems is a limited liability company incorporated in England and Wales (Registration No. 06132283) maintaining its principal offices at Norwich Research Park, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UH. Business and registered address is Taylor Vinters LLP, Merlin Place, Milton Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 0DP.

Terms of business

Unless written agreement to the contrary is provided, instruction given to Procarta Biosystems is deemed to constitute an acceptance of our standard Terms and Conditions of Business which are available on request.


All material contained on this website is protected by copyright as of the date of creation. Clients and members of the public are welcome to download a copy of any material on this site for personal use only. Material may be copied for wider use within organisations provided that the source is clearly attributed to Procarta Biosystems Ltd.


The information contained on this website is provided for the general interest of clients and members of the public. This does not constitute, and is not a substitute for, specific legal advice. No responsibility or liability is accepted as a result of reliance upon any information contained on this website.